The Key Stage 5 curriculum facilitates experiences and opportunities for students to work towards and achieve their individual outcomes.  This journey is recorded and assessed using Evidence for Learning and ensures that the progress measured for each student is relevant to their needs and works towards preparing them for adult life.

KS5 at West Lancashire Community High School specialises in supporting young adults in preparation for adulthood.  Our aim is to offer a learning programme which focuses on personal and social development, independence and employability.

KS5 offers learning which encourages achievement and success while building friendships & respect.

Our aim in KS5 is to prepare students for adult life.

KS5 offers a varied timetable which includes experiences and opportunities in college, work placement, sport and leisure, community links, accredited learning, maths and English.




What is the intention of teaching and learning?

  • To progress in all areas within in a student’s EHCP


























































  • To develop functional English and Maths skills














  • To develop life skills including accessing the local and wider community








  • To develop skills and qualities within a place of work








  • To develop knowledge and understanding of realistic aspiration and goals for the future





  • To develop an awareness of the local community through community project works




  • To develop the ability to work with others in familiar and unfamiliar settings







  • To develop skills and apply these to every day and life and living













How will it be implemented?


Cognition and learning

  • ASDAN Personal Development Programme, ASDAN Lifeskills Challenge and ASDAN Towards Independence Programme
  • College links and access to vocational courses
  • Accessing the local and wider community
  • Learning outside the classroom
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme

Communication and Interaction

  • Accessing the local and wider community.
  • Developing links with peers in other settings
  • Work Experience Placements
  • College links and social care provider links
  • Confidence in the use of public transport training
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme
  • My Book Blog

Physical and Sensory

  • Exploring the wider community through the Duke of Edinburgh programme
  • Rambles
  • Accessing the local leisure centre

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

  • Well-being walks
  • Access the local leisure centre to access the gym and swimming facilities
  • Access to clubs at lunch times
  • Nurture sessions
  • Wigan Be-Well sessions – Canoeing, paddleboard, archery, orienteering and climbing
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme

Independence and Self Help

  • Work experience links
  • Developing organisational skills through targeted personalised programmes
  • Interventions to develops skills and confidence in areas which will be accessed as a young adult
  • Public transport training
  • College and social care links
  • Careers sessions to gather information to make informed choices
  • Practical life skills sessions including cooking, baking and budgeting (Lunch in Unit)
  • Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions


  • Access to the local and wider community
  • AQA ELC and Functional skills Maths and English programmes
  • Developing skills in the use of money and time through shopping, budgeting and accessing the world of work
  • Developing confidence in reading, writing, speaking and listening through My Book Blog  and ASDAN accreditation programmes
  • Lunch in Unit Sessions



  • Developing confidence in the use of public transport
  • Access to the local library
  • Access to the local colleges and social care providers
  • Shopping for Lunch in Unit
  • Community project work




  • Work experience placements


  • Community project work – Canal and River Trust, Scutchers’s Acre, River Tawd community group and Greenslate Farm Community Farm



  • Weekly careers sessions
  • Work experience
  • College links
  • Social care links




  • Community project work – Canal and River Trust, Scutchers’s Acre and the River Tawd
  • Duke of Edinburgh award scheme



  • Community project work – Canal and River Trust, Scutchers’s Acre and the River Tawd
  • Educational visits linked to ASDAN sessions. 
  • Classroom access within the local college/library



  • Access to the local and wider community
  • Developing skills in the use of money and time through shopping, budgeting and accessing the world of work
  • Lunch in Unit Sessions
  • Public transport training
  • Work related learning through work experience and community project links
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme

How will we measure or monitor impact of teaching and learning?


  • EHCP targets being achieved and new targets being set.
  • Working towards transition and aspiration and goals























































  • Developing confidence in the use of functional maths and English skills
  • Accreditation in maths and English
  • Accessing the local and wide community with confidence
  • Developing confidence in the use of money and time
  • Developing confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing.







  • Developing confidence in the use of public transport
  • Independent travellers to and from school
  • Confidence in accessing community facilities and accessing these beyond school
  • Developing skills to be confident in the wider community


  • Independent and supported placements
  • Students identifying realistic aspirations and goals for the future
  • Student knowing or having an awareness of their own skills and qualities
  • Maintaining a work placement



  • Knowing their aspirations and goals
  • Successful transitions






  • Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • Confidence in familiar and unfamiliar settings
  • Development of skills
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • Confidence with familiar and unfamiliar people
  • Development of skills








  • Developing confidence in the use of functional maths and English skills
  • Accreditation in maths and English
  • Accessing the local and wide community with confidence
  • Developing confidence in the use of money and time
  • Developing confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Applying all the above in real life situations




KS5 Pathways



KS5 at West Lancashire Community High School specialises in supporting young adults in preparation for adulthood.  Our aim is to offer a learning programme which focuses on personal and social development, independence and employability. 

KS5 offers learning which encourages achievement and success while building friendships & respect. 

Our aim in KS5 is to prepare students for adult life. 

KS5 offers a varied timetable which includes experiences and opportunities in college, work placement, sport and leisure, community links, accredited learning, maths and English and careers learning. 

KS5 students are encouraged to further develop their skills as part of the Skills Builder Expanded Framework.  

Through the framework students take ownership of their skills level and ways in which they can improve using their personlised programme to support skill development.

Key Stage 5




Students will access both sensory and a practical curriculum through ASDAN’s Towards Independence Programme which offers and introductory and progression route to learning and development in key life skills.

Students will be provided with the opportunity to take part in a supported work placement or work simulations on site. 

Students will have the opportunity to experience P19 learning and social care options where they will be fully supported as part of the inclusion programme.

Students will have a personalised curriculum.  They will be given the opportunity to access an intensive programme, depending on their individual needs.

Students have the opportunity to complete and participate in accreditations in a variety of skilled areas. 

The accreditation route is tailored to the individual learner.

This programme will allow the necessary time to help students gain confidence in their preparation for adult hood.

Students will develop their skills through the Skills Builder Programme.



Students will access and have the opportunity to participate in supported and unsupported work placements in relation to their future aspirations and goals.

This is supported through the ASDAN Personal Development Programme.  Students will take part in learning with increased knowledge of the world around them.

Students will apply learning in familiar contexts.

Students will have access to a personalised curriculum. 

Students will have the opportunity to complete accreditation in a variety of skilled areas. 

The accreditation route is tailored to the student’s needs, allowing them the experience to develop their skills for everyday life and living and help prepare them for adulthood.

Students will develop their skills through the Skills Builder Programme.




Students use this learning pathway as a transition period between KS5 at West Lancashire Community High School and their chosen further education, training or career setting provider.

Students will access learning which allows them to develop their independence, applying their knowledge and understanding of the local community and begin applying skills independent of staff support in familiar and unfamiliar contexts.

Student learning will be supported through the ASDAN Personal Development Programme and Life Skills Challenges.

Students will be provided with the opportunity to take part in unsupported work placements were every effort will be made to find placements that are of interest to the student and where they can gain skills and build confidence in a working environment to help them with future employability.

Students will be given the opportunity to attend local colleges as part of their learning experiences.

Students will be also be provided with opportunities to complete accreditation routes with the aim for them to develop skills for everyday life and living in preparation for adulthood and future independence.

Students will develop their skills through the Skills Builder Programme.





KS5 Student Prospectus

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A student Guide to Key Stage 5

KS5 Annual Cycle

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Students follow a personalised timetable.  Students are placed in class groups and are regrouped for maths, english and work placement opportunities.  

KS5 2023 timetables

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Students in KS5 follow a wide range of ASDAN programme to help them develop life skills in preparation for adulthood.

ASDAN programmes adopted as part of the curriculum offer for KS5 students are:

  • Personal Development Programme
  • Towards Independence -Introduction
  • Towards Independence - Progression
  • Life Skills Challenges

KS5 Asdan 2023

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KS5 Functional Maths

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KS5 Functional English

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